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RAF Mildenhall - Useful Contact Numbers

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Useful telephone numbers at RAF Mildenhall
Base Operator: 01638 541110

England is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time in the U.S. When dialing a commercial number from the U.S. you will dial 011, then the country code 44, a 4 digit area code-xxxx, and then the six digit number-xxx-xxx. If you see a five-digit area code with a 0 as the first number, drop the zero and use the last four digits.
For example, 01638-555-555, you would dial 011-44-1638-555-555.

DSN calls to RAF Mildenhall * Use 314-238-XXXX

The following is a list of telephone numbers for commonly used facilities at RAF Mildenhall, England. These numbers are listed in Defense Switched Network (DSN) format, to convert a DSN to a commercial number, dial 01638, then 54, then the last four numbers of the DSN.
For example, DSN 238-5555 would be locally 01638-54 5555 and from the states would be 011-44-1638-545-555.

Airman and Family Readiness Center - 238-3406

Airman's Attic - 238-2670

Base Exchange (RAF Lakenheath) - 226-2996

Bob Hope Community Center - 238-2579

Bowling Center - 238- 2348

BXtra (RAF Mildenhall) - 238-2488

Chapel - 238-2822

Child Development Center - 238-2042

Civilian Personnel - 238-3540

Commissary (RAF Mildenhall) - 238-2475

Commissary (RAF Lakenheath) - 226-3319

Community Relations Adviser - 238-2254

Crisis Center - 238-2615

Dental Clinic - 238-2273

Dining Facility - 238-2689

Education Center - 238-2350

Equal Opportunity - 238-2468

Financial Services 238-2387

Flight Kitchen - 238-6195

Fog line - 01638 52 3541

Food Cube - 238-2680

Formal Training - 238-5293

Galaxy Club - 238-2683

Hardstand Fitness Center - 238-3735

Health and Wellness Center - 238-7161

Housing Office - 238-5233/5234

Information, Tickets and Travel - 238-2630/01638 51 5577

Inspector General - 238-4444

Legal Office - 238-2028

Library - 238-2352

Lodging - 238-6001

Lodging reservations - 238-2655

Medical Appointments - 226-8010

Military Personnel Flight - 238-2479

Marquee Requests - 238-2654

Middleton Hall - 238-2606

MOD Police control center - 01371 854444
-- Emergencies - 999
-- Non-emergency - 101

Northside Fitness Center - 238-2349

Outdoor Recreation - 238-4283

Outdoor Recreation Center - 238-7151

Post Office - 238-2151

Public Affairs main line - 238-2654

Public Affairs (Community Relations Division) 238-3385

Public Affairs (Media Relations Division) 238-4215

RAF Mildenhall Public Web site staff - 238-2298

Red Cross - 238-3742

Red Cross after duty hours - 1-877-272-7337

Retiree Affairs - 238-2039

Safety - 238-2255

SATO - 238-2766

Security Forces -238-2667

Thrift Shop - 238-2303

Theater - 238-2351

TMO Inbound 238-5248

TMO Outbound 238-2202

Veterinary Clinic (RAF Feltwell) - 226-7376

Weather Line 238-3541 or 01638-543541

Youth Center (RAF Mildenhall) - 238-2831

Location: Mildenhall, Suffolk


RAF Mildenhall - Useful Contact Numbers

Listing added on: 07/31/17 , Total hits: 11311
RAF Mildenhall - Useful Contact Numbers

Mildenhall, Suffolk

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